Wednesday, March 25, 2009

desperately seeking a camera!

i was on a serious hunt for a new camera since i lost mine...i think i left it in a cab one drunken night. dammit. i'm usually so good about keeping track of my stuff. and i lost the pics i had taken with it that night!!

anyway, i decided that i desperately wanted a sony cybershot and became even more obsessed when i saw that staples had the 8.1 megapixel one for $109.

too bad they were SOLD OUT.

i gave up my hunt after i checked every retailer i could think of (best buy, target, walmart, kmart, costco!). no luck.

then, suddenly, brenda found it.

b&h is the shit. not only am i getting this camera for $10 cheaper but i'm not even paying shipping fees and it's estimating that my camera will be delivered on friday. FRIDAY! and i literally just ordered it 15 minutes ago.

i love you, b&h.

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